Thursday, October 1, 2009

Field Trip to Fry's

Payton got to go on his first field trip with his Preschool class and he had a great time! They started out by tasting fruit and talking about why it is good for you. Fry's was very good about feeding them and keeping them moving. Then they moved onto the deli and tried some turkey and cheese.

They also got to check out the bakery and the seafood department where they got to touch a live lobster. They got to scan items and got a balloon and ice cream.

It was a fun morning and Payton was funny doing some Kung Fu Panda moves for all of them to help keep them entertained. he just cracks me up!!!

Family Pictures

Anyone who knows the Mortensen family knows we LOVE popcorn. It has been a taste passed down for a while know and it is border-line embarrassing the amount of popcorn we consume during a movie. So, one of my best friends took that love and captured it on camera. Lori Calhoun of "" did a great job and here are the pictures to prove it.

Salvation Amry

Troy gets to mingle with a lot of great people through his work and he was able to get the family involved with this year's community project. The salvation Army site was choosen to be the project this year that the Valley Partnership would help. Kids from the community got to come and help design the playground that would be built. We brought the boys -- who have been dying to see Dad's jobsite -- and here are some shots of them in creation mode. it is really fun to get to see good people coming together to help others and I am so glad that we get to teach these kind of lessons to the boys while they are young. I hope they will remember these things as they grow. It was a fun night and a good experience.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ward Campout

This last weekend we had a lot of fun camping with our ward family. The boys love to play in the fire and be outside with a reason to get dirty, eat marshmallows and cook food on the fire. Plus throwing the football around and play horseshoes is fun too. I think the hightlight of the night was when Troy discovered Payton to excited to sleep and when Troy told him to go to sleep he replied,"It's so beautiful in here!" Our boys love camping but they also love going to bed and sleeping in a tent. Jackson got to build a tree fort and had fun putting sticks and pine needles on the fire. Spencer got sting by a bee but had fun still playing with friends and eating junk food. Payton pulled the whole jug of water down on his head about 30 minutes after we got there so he has a few scabs from that -- but still had fun in the marshmallow wars and even managed to eat a few. We even got to see a real taranchala and I snapped a picture. They were sad to see us taking down the tent to go home. We got a little rain but not enough to spoil the fun. Camping and kids equals lots of work but loads of fun and laughs. We can't wait for next year!!!

Jackson Turns 7

Jackson just had his 7th birthday! he is quite the thinker these days. He loves to learn about sharks and anything really. He is really excited about Lego Indiana Jones and Legos and Backagans right now which is fun to see. He is getting too tall for all of his pants that he got at Christmas and I tease him that he needs to stop growing for a while. He says the funniest things and is comfortable jumping into any conversation that happens around him. I think he is a very entertaining kid and I love him so much. He tries hard to to what is right and works hard to make good decisions.

Happy Birthday buddy -- We love you!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

First day of School!!

This year was a very exciting one for our family. Jackson started first grade. Spencer goes to preschool and even my little Payton is in his first year of preschool! All of my kids are growing up so fast. So far so good -- everyone loves their teachers and school is great!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Payton is 3!!!

I cannot believe my baby is already three but I am defiantely glad to say goodbye to diapers!!! Payton has such an amazing spirit of determination and I think it was brought out by his diffuclt first year of life. He was such a little trouper with his casting and bars for his club foot and the other day when he found his bar and shoes and wanted to put them on. Obviously he was too big but I am glad it is not the painful memory for him that it is for me. He has his dad's wonderful imagination and his mom's love of music. I also notice a love for art work which may mean he could get some of his grandma's talent to paint -- which we would love! It has been an amazing 3 years with him and this is just the beginning. He made our family complete with a small, medium, and large boy in the family. Happy Birthday Bwabwa! We love you!!

Utah Trip

We went up to Utah for my brother's wedding and decided to make a little vacation out of it. We had a really fun time staying with my cousin, Aubrey, and her family. We were able to do some really fun stuff there. On Friday we went to the Rec Center around the couner from my cousin's house and the kids had a blast. It had a Pirate ship outdoor playland as well as an indoor play area with a water slide and a lazy river. We had to force our kids down the big water slide a few times but Jackson decided it was fun and we were glad to see that. It is bitter sweet when you have to force your kids to do something you know they will enjoy but the reward comes when the finally come over to your side. Spencer did it twice with me but then he was done. He asked me if he could just do it once and I said "no, because the first time it will be new and the second time you will know what to expect so it won't be scarey" and he seemed to accept that so I was pleased. Spencer even smiled the second time down. After all of out water fun we got the kids bathed and fed and then the adults went out. (We had a babysitter of course) Troy and I, Aubrey and Chad went to see Angels and Demons and it was good but first we had to eat at Texas Roadhouse which is One of our favorite places.

Saturday was busy but a great day. We were able to attend the open house for the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. (For those who may read this and are not members of our church -- anyone is welcome to walk through the temple during the open house. Once it is dedicated then you must have a recommend to enter) This was exciting for my boys who wanted to know what the temple looked like. It was beautiful and the boys learned a lot. Saturday evening was Chris wedding and it was small and beautiful. They seemed so happy and excited to begin a life together. We are excited to gain a sister-in-law and two more boys cousins. After we put the kids to bed Saturday night we played American Idol. We had lots of fun with the game and stayed up too late. It was worth it though.

Sunday was church and the glorious hour of 9am instead of our usual 2:00pm meeting time. It was nice to sit with Troy and be able to tag team the kids instead of being by myself with him watching from the stand. We came home and some took naps and then headed over to my Uncle Jerry's house for dinner. We had a good time just being together -- something we don't get to do enough. We watched a little Planet Earth and then went home for bed. Jackson and Spencer were given some "mystery scooters" that had been left at my uncle's for a while without claim and they were very excited to use them. Even Payton was giving them a try. It is so fun to see them excited about stuff like that.

Monday was another fun day for us. We were able to go to the Airplane Museum and the boys had lots of fun. It was hot outside so we were glad to see the planes on the inside as well. They also had an area for the kids to dress up in flight suits and get in the simulators -- Troy had fun with that too! Then we took the kids to a Brazilian BBQ place and had a big lunch/dinner. It is an all you can eat place that had waitors come around and cut off these great meats for you and it was sooo good. The boys liked the fired bananas for dessert and then home for our last night.

It was so nice to have some time away as a family and be able to relax a bit. We really had a good time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jackson Lost his first Tooth 7-12-09

I know he will be 7 in September but today, July 12th, 2009, he lost his first tooth. It has been pretty wiggly lately and He did not want to eat his cereal this morning so I told him to take a rag into the bathroom and wiggle it till it came out. About 5 minutes later he came out with his tooth in his hand! He was so excited and wanted me to put it on the blog for all to see. He is growing up so fast I can't believe it! Now he can wear his hole with pride in the fact that he pulled it out all by himself. (hopefully he will continue to do it himself because it gives me the creeps to watch him wiggle it).

Fun with friends

I forget my camera a lot when I leave the house so here are some pictures of the kids eating with their friends. You can count it -- 6 boys at the table. We feel lucky to have the Calhouns be in the 3 boy club with us and the boys are pretty close in age which make it very easy to have them play together. It is harder to get together due to more variables now that the kids are getting older and we are no longer in the same ward, but the kids always have fun and look forward to spending time together. Plus, any day with a Happy Meal in it is a good one!

Pop Tart Houses

On July 5th I was tearing down a Pop Tart box and Jackson asked if he could use it as a house for his cars and I said "sure". We cut a door and then the decorating began. Spencer and Payton wanted in so we scrounged around and then every box was a door to imagination. Here are the "houses" they made and it kept them quite busy for a day and a half which made me a happy mom. I love to see them using their imagination and skills to creat their own fun!!

Payton's is mostly a collection of Cars stickers and foamies. This was the safest for him but I did make him a bath tub and he added bubbles.

Spencer got another box to add on to his and he liked being able to put his stuff through the door. He was the first one to decorate the inside and that opened up a whole new world of possibilities.

Jackson got really into it. After I took these pictures we cut open a cereal box and he added a pool and a backyard. He spent quite a bit of time and really enjoyed himself.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We have Trees

It is funny how as you become a person that is married and then begin your family and own a home things that seemed so small like trees become very exciting. This past weekend we planted 13 trees -- 2 of the 24inch box trees and 11 of the 15 gallon size. Troy and I have been looking forward to getting in our landscaping and now we have begun!! The boys had fun watering the trees with dad and so I snapped a few pictures to capture the moment. I even took some close-ups of the trees so you all can appreciate the beauty. We spent many hours in the sun planting them and now the boys are asking when they are going to grow. Hopefully there will be more to come soon.